Adjusting to Life After College

Louis Laves-Webb

April 28, 2017

The thrill of embracing your independence and making your mark in the world can be an alluring part of finishing college. This stage of life can also be met with feelings of uncertainty and anxiety as you prepare to face the “real world”. This transitional phase of life can feel overwhelming as you say goodbye to your routines, structure, and your known circle of support.

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you prepare to begin this new post graduation journey phase of life.

Go within

As you prepare for your future, first acknowledge your past. Take some time by yourself to think about what you have accomplished and how you have grown. Look deeper into your truest values, hopes, and most sincere dreams as you look to your future. Realize that although this is an important step that it is simply one step in many as you move toward complete adulthood.

Prepare for your first post-graduation step

As you look for a way to start your career, you may find yourself wanting to plow forward, desiring a break from it all, or questioning your true purpose in life. While some of you may go directly into the workforce others may choose to explore other options and alternatives to entering directly into the workforce. You get to decide what is right for you. However, some balance between safety and security and growth and future opportunities is often most desirable.

Use this time to embrace the opportunity to learn more about the skills that will help you in your life while also enriching your post graduation life.

Socialize with others

Friends, family, and coworkers can be a wonderful source of support, providing you with feedback and encouragement as you find your new direction.

Spend time together and socialize with others in person or via social media. It gives you a chance to gain wisdom, advice, and guidance as you take these next steps. Additionally, you have the opportunity to acclimate faster, to connect more, and reduce or greatly diminish any potential anxiety or adjustment challenges.

Give yourself time to pursue your passions

Make time for yourself outside of work or focusing solely on your future by pursuing hobbies. It could be reading books, writing a novel, performing music, or more. Whatever your passion is, it’s important to have a creative outlet to express yourself as you go through life after graduation.

By having a creative outlet where we can revel in our passions, we’re able to hold a source of happiness as we define our post-graduation being.

See the positive side

Be mindful of all of the challenges you go through. This includes situations where you are instructed to learn a new skill on our job or perhaps being tasked with a larger amount of responsibilities.

There are circumstances where you maybe reluctant to grow. Be gentle with yourself while at the same time continuing to push yourself forward. You will make mistakes, this is brand new terrain after all. View this process as a learning opportunity and a chance to increase your ability to learn new skills.

Life after graduation

Your life after graduation can present a variety of new challenges that you will inevitably adapt to and overcome as you enter into your new adult culture.

If you can embrace these challenges, take some risks, and cultivate your ability to stumble while still maintaining your resolve then the journey into adulthood can be enriching and provide you with a multitude of experiences and memories all the while, preparing you to ultimately thrive as an adult.

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