Clinical Supervision For LMSW and LPC-Associates

  • No Supervision Fee
  • No Minimum Caseload Requirement
  • No Out-Of-Pocket Payment Required
Clinical Supervision

"What can I say; after 3 months of being an associate I had a caseload of 15–20 clients. I averaged between 5–7 referrals a week from the practice and I’m currently doing exceptionally well in my career. I value growth both clinically and professionally and I have gotten that in spades."

- M.C.

You will be cutting your clinical teeth at this stage of your career, which is why choosing a clinical supervisor will play an impactful role in your career, your clinical advancement, and can be one of your strongest advocates related to your future success.

Clinical supervision is best defined as a formal and professional working alliance that is generally between a more experienced and a less experienced clinician. In this alliance, the supervisee’s clinical work is reviewed and reflected upon, counter-transference experiences are explored, and the supervisee’s clinical skill sets are developed and enriched with a variety of aims. These include improving the supervisee’s efficacy with clients, protecting client welfare, providing clinical support and growth for the supervisee, and supporting the supervisee’s professional development.

The opportunity offered through Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates is truly unique for three reasons:

  • It’s based on you experiencing EXACTLY what private practice is like from top to bottom. You are truly empowered to create your ideal practice and will gain the skills, experience, and wisdom to make it last for years to come.
  • It includes clinical supervision and business coaching.
  • The goal of our supervision practice is to increase your clinical skill set and help you create a thriving practice.

Our intention is to nurture our associates’ clinical development while supporting the critical development of skills and knowledge necessary to owning a successful business. We greatly value autonomy and hire dependable and responsible individuals. This allows us to step out of your way with burdensome administrative tasks and requirements, and focus on what matters most– your development.

“I value continuing to develop as a supervisor. 40% appears to be getting out of your way, 40% includes perpetually cultivating more empathy, and 20% includes providing feedback, guidance, and compassionate communication.”

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

What I Offer & How You Can Benefit

The practice of Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates serves as an all encompassing and supportive private practice environment. Here supervisees can utilize their strengths, clinically mature, and establish themselves as professionals in the central Texas community.

In Turn, You Will Receive The Following:

  • You don’t have to wait to start a private practice
  • You’ll get referrals
  • You can earn a viable income in private practice as an LMSW or LPC-Associate
  • You receive mentoring while being a part of a thriving practice
  • You get support and infrastructure
  • You get the benefits of clients branding, and advertising
  • You receive flexibility and ability to cultivate your own clinical interests
  • When you receive your LCSW or LPC you can take your clients with you

As A Supervisee, You'll Also Receive

  • Weekly individual supervision
  • Bi-monthly group supervision
  • Access to your supervisor throughout the day and into the night, if needed
  • Being a part of a proven post-graduate system that will help you create a thriving practice
  • Flexible hours
  • Beautifully furnished office space
  • Solid client referral stream
  • Practice development
  • Highlighted spot on the practice website to include your own video introduction
  • Access to a professional marketing team
  • Photo shoots
  • Internet access
  • Business consultation
  • Networking events
  • An opportunity to “interview” past associates
  • Being part of a very supportive and enthusiastic team of skilled clinicians

What We Look For In A Great Candidate


Professional Experience

Although psychotherapy experience is looked upon favorably, we are primarily looking for individuals with some professional experience under their belt and a passion for practicing depth-oriented clinical work within a private practice setting.

Growth mindset

Growth Mindset

We are looking for an individual with a substantial growth mindset and a practitioner who enjoys creativity, is insatiably curious about the human condition, and is open-spirited.



We are looking for an individual who is eager to build their own brand, is resourceful, and is a self-motivated professional

Ideal candidates are those who are driven, deeply curious and inquisitive, and have an appreciation for depth-oriented approaches to psychotherapy and healing. We find that associates with prior careers and life experiences excel in our practice and supervision model.

“Assisting with healing can take the courage of a warrior and the gentleness of a feather”

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

Application & Interview Process

Our interview process includes a written questionnaire, a phone interview, and a one hour interview with Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S and Kalee Gower, LCSW. Additional steps may be included. Our aim is to be as transparent as possible throughout the process so that you are able to feel comfortable, ask any questions that you have along the way, and that we can genuinely get to know one another.

Step 1

Application & Questionnaire

After submitting your resume and cover letter, you will be asked to complete a written questionnaire. This is an opportunity for us to get a sense of what you're wanting, your goals, and to see if there is potential alignment.

Step 2

Phone Interview & Clinical Case

You will then be contacted by our clinical director (Kalee Gower, LCSW) and will participate in a phone interview with her. Upon completion of this interview, you will be provided with a clinical case to look over so that you can discuss it clinically at your final interview.

Step 3

Final Interview

Finally, you will meet with Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S and Kalee Gower, LCSW where we will ask you some further questions about your approach to counseling, experience, and theoretical leanings, and will be asked to discuss your thoughts and ideas about the case example. Additionally, you will have a chance to ask us any questions you may have.

What Does The Process Look Like For Online and In-Person Supervision?

Due to COVID-19, we have needed to pivot recently to online supervision. This has actually been a relatively simple transition and we conduct supervision over a social media platform. We are still conducting both individual and group supervision.

How Do Supervisees Get The Most Out Of Clinical Supervision?

Supervision can be best utilized by approaching supervision from a calm and curious place; it takes many years to become a truly skilled clinician and so there’s no sense of urgency, you genuinely have plenty of time. You may want to think about one or two cases that you would like to discuss so that you can bring these to supervision. Supervision is a co-created process so preemptively consider what skills you would like to increase, ideas you would like to explore further, or clinical learning you would like to share. Lastly, approach supervision with the understanding and openness that supervision may include: present moment awareness, parallel process experiences, and reflection of various relational parts of supervision, all in the spirit of deepening and further developing your own clinical skill set and presence.

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates
“This work is a wondrous intersection of humanity, science, and art.”

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

Get To Know Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S has over 25 years of clinical experience, 7 years of counseling at the University of Texas at Austin, and 20 years of private practice experience. His previous experience includes: Austin State Hospital, Capital Area Counseling, Juvenile probation Services (Williamson County) , School counseling (Charter school Austin) EAP counseling, Drug and Alcohol Counseling (Hays County) and extensive psychotherapy experience.

He is clinically creative, experiential, Rogerian, sincere, and has an unyielding passion for psychotherapy. His supervision style is curious, assessment-oriented, and counter transference focused allowing for the symbiotic growth of both the personal as well as the professional.

He is appreciated most by those that are thirsty to more deeply understand healing work, have a genuine desire to increase their therapeutic skill set, and are intrigued by creative problem solving, unique case conceptualizations, and interpretations that draw upon psychodynamic, Jungian, existential, relational, attachment, body oriented, and developmental ideas.

His full range of previous experience is listed below:

  • Darden Hills Foster Care
  • Child Protective Services
  • Williamson County Juvenile Probation
  • Hays Council on Alcohol and Drug abuse
  • The Austin State Hospital
  • Central Texas Counseling
  • The Lawyers Assistance Program
  • The University of Texas Counseling Center
  • The Texas Pharmacy Board
  • Texas Department of Public Safety
  • The Worker’s Assistance Program
  • Capital Area Counseling


"Working with Louis has given me a solid start in the process of becoming the clinician I want to be. I have the confidence, skill, experience, and community I need to thrive and grow professionally for years to come.”

“I started working with Louis after a year of post-graduate work in agencies and treatment centers. Although I was giving up the stability of agency work, I could sense the eventual burn out and feelings of professional dissatisfaction if I stayed on my current path. I was ready to start practicing psychotherapy in an emotionally and financially sustainable way. After almost two years as an Associate Psychotherapist under Louis Laves-Webb’s supervision, I felt confident and prepared for the challenge of independent private practice as an LPC. Louis and my fellow associate psychotherapists are among my most trusted colleagues, and I feel supported every day by the personal and professional skills I acquired during my time there.

In clinical supervision Louis advocated for development of emotional responsibility, self-regulation, and strong assessment skills. He emphasized strengthening my capacity to sit with clients no matter what they brought into the room. Although this sounds simple, to cultivate these abilities I often had to confront my own blind spots, assumptions, and subconscious/unconscious “stuff” in supervision. Because Louis practices what he preaches, it was easy for me to trust his feedback, even when It was challenging to hear. And, I was able to use my experience of working through discomfort in supervision to help me work through clinical challenges with clients.

Working with Louis has given me a solid start in the process of becoming the clinician I want to be. I have the confidence, skill, experience, and community I need to thrive and grow professionally for years to come.”

Rachel Patterson, MA, LPC

"Not only will I leave feeling confident in my ability as a therapist and business owner, I will have a network of incredible clinicians that I can turn to for consult, referrals, and support."

“Starting a private practice can be intense for well established therapists and completely overwhelming for new practitioners. Working at Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates has been an incredible opportunity to gain clinical wisdom and learn how to start my own practice.

Louis is an incredible supervisor and therapist. He provides weekly individual and biweekly group supervision. He is gifted in guiding one’s clinical development, which I have experienced and witnessed in the other Associates. He is talented at holding the space for the emotional work of becoming a therapist while challenging and pushing one to grow clinically. He also brings his insight, experience and different perspectives to supervision that have added value to my practice.

Not only will I leave feeling confident in my ability as a therapist and business owner, I will have a network of incredible clinicians that I can turn to for consult, referrals, and support. I have not heard of another opportunity that provides such a strong foundation to help new practitioners build a private practice.”


"Louis made me feel that he believed in me, while also guiding me towards areas for growth. I’m a better therapist and a better person than I was when we first started working together.”

“Being a good supervisor is hard. It means not just listening well and validating, but also probing and exploring. It means simultaneously assessing both the case your supervisee is presenting, and also that supervisee’s capacity and level of development. It means caring enough to challenge your supervisee, albeit in a supportive way.

This is what Louis does. He supervised me for two and a half years. He rolls up his sleeves for every session. He helped me see things about myself that I needed to address in order to be an excellent therapist. With his depth-oriented, psychodynamic, approach, he illuminated me on the important role of the unconscious.

When I presented client cases to him, he would quickly come up with questions and interpretations that I would not have arrived at on my own. Louis made me feel that he believed in me, while also guiding me towards areas for growth. I’m a better therapist and a better person than I was when we first started working together.”


"Louis guides supervisees through a process of self-discovery by way of in-depth exploration of the intersections of the clinical, personal, and entrepreneurial."

"Supervision with Louis is intense. Initially, this may seem daunting. In truth, this is precisely what is needed to engender supervisees with the insight, resilience, flexibility, and confidence to transition gracefully into independent private practice. Louis guides supervisees through a process of self-discovery by way of in-depth exploration of the intersections of the clinical, personal, and entrepreneurial.

Louis offers supervisees motivation with accountability; support with responsibility; and encouragement with conscientiousness. I believe Louis has a unique supervision style that has spurred growth in areas that were not examined as closely in the past. With six months of supervision remaining, before I begin my transition into full clinical licensure and independent practice, I feel confident in my ability to earn a living while practicing competently and ethically and offering a valuable range of services to my clients.

It is difficult to imagine a more ideal situation for masters-level clinicians who feel passionately about their own independence and about offering psychotherapy in private practice. In short: Louis has helped me to come into my own as a psychotherapist, and nothing less is required of clinicians who choose to practice independently."

Patrick Turbiville, LMSW

"Grateful, Louis. Thank you again for the lessons in taking risks!"

"Thank you! The practice I built under your supervision is a tremendous piece of our dreams coming true. We've been absolutely killing it - abundance not lack is our problem! Ha! We bought our first home a few weeks ago - in one of our favorite areas in Portland. So freakin excited! Grateful, Louis. Thank you again for the lessons in taking risks!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer just supervision?

*At the present time, all of our focus is on helping the associates establish and grow so we are not offering “supervision only.”

How many times do we meet per month?

There are generally a total of 6 supervision meetings per month - 4 individual and 2 groups.

Are you available more if needed?

Yes, both Kalee Gower, LCSW and myself carry a significant caseload, but we will be happy to have a phone call or meet as needed. We pride ourselves on being available and prioritize each associate receiving the support that they need.

How will I be supported in developing my practice?

You will be provided referrals, engage in marketing discussions, encouraged to cultivate your own referral networks, and will benefit from all efforts made on behalf of Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S that may include: radio ads, newspaper ads, access to our marketing team, videos, pictures, and professional invitations.

Do you help with the test for licensure?

We offer advice and support and we have some study materials that we are happy to share as you begin to prepare for your exam.

Available Openings

Associate Psychotherapist

Now hiring LMSW’s & LPC’s for the position of Associate Psychotherapist!

The Associate Psychotherapist position performs all duties and roles associated with developing, implementing, and conducting psychotherapy for individuals, couples, and groups in a private practice setting. Responsibilities include: conducting sessions with individuals, couples, and groups, managing administrative duties associated with carrying a client caseload, participating in individual and group supervision, and developing and implementing a practice development strategy.

The practice of Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates is currently conducting interviews for Associate-Track Psychotherapists. This is a wonderful opportunity for a clinician who is highly motivated and ready to build a sustainable private practice now. This position is a unique private practice opportunity for an individual currently holding an LMSW or LPC-Associate license.

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates serves as an all-encompassing and supportive private practice environment; where practitioners can utilize their strengths, clinically mature, and establish themselves as professionals within the central Texas community. All of our current associate psychotherapists (LMSW’s and LPC-Associates) are actively seeing clients, receiving weekly referrals, building their own brand, and earning a respectable income.

The ideal candidate will have 1-4 years of psychotherapy experience, education with a solid clinical foundation, be curious and interested in a depth-oriented psychotherapy framework, be enthusiastic and ambitious, enjoy working independently without being micro-managed, be able to grow clinically and professionally, have a strong ethical framework, creative problem solving skills, and an unwavering sense of humor.

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates offers:

  • Weekly individual supervision
  • Bi-monthly group supervision
  • Access to your supervisor throughout the day and into the night as needed
  • No payment for supervision
  • A supervisor with over 20 years of clinical experience
  • Being a part of a proven post-graduate system that will help you create a thriving practice
  • Flexible hours
  • A practice with 17+ years of community involvement
  • Beautifully furnished downtown and northwest office space
  • A solid client referral stream
  • Practice development strategy sessions
  • A highlighted spot on the practice website, to include your own video introduction
  • Access to a professional marketing team
  • Photo shoots
  • Access to social media marketing related to the practice
  • Paid SEO optimization for the practice website
  • Internet access
  • Business development consultation and support
  • KUT radio spots
  • Networking events
  • Being part of a very supportive and enthusiastic team of skilled clinicians
  • The opportunity to interview “graduates” that now have thriving private practices
  • And, when you become fully licensed, you get to take your clients with you

Submit Your Application

Google Drive or Dropbox works, just make sure the file is set to public.

We will ask you to send us your resume and cover letter as part of the next steps in the application process.

Thank you for your interest in working with Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates! We will review your information, and be in touch for next steps.
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Start Your Career Today

Get in touch with Louis Laves-Webb LCSW, LPC-S by filling out our contact form.