How To Get Over Postpartum Depression

Louis Laves-Webb

April 26, 2022

Postpartum depression, also known as PPD, is a common condition affecting over 3 million women in the United States each year. PPD is more intense and longer-lasting than the also common “baby blues”, which are general feelings of sadness occurring within the first few days after having a child. In some cases, postpartum depression doesn’t start for months after the birth of the child. This condition can last for weeks or months and generally responds well to proper treatment and care. postpartum depression is a known and treatable psychological disorder. It’s okay to get help and you can better understand and successfully navigate the postpartum feelings you may be experiencing. In this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates blog, we’ll discuss some methods that can be used to help recover from postpartum depression.

For emergency care, please reach out to 1 (800) PPD-Moms

Talk With A Licensed Therapist

Research suggests that one of the most effective ways to overcome postpartum depression for many individuals is by seeking the help of a licensed therapist. Our clinicians have years of experience, understand the complex nature of life adjustments, and the sensitivity to assist new mothers to overcome their feelings of postpartum depression. Seeking out a therapist isn’t always easy, nor is talking about sensitive emotions, so please feel free to utilize our THERAPIST MATCHING TOOL to hopefully make that process a bit easier for you.

Making Small Lifestyle Changes

Although you likely have made many lifestyle changes during your pregnancy and making more may feel like an overwhelming task, making small changes now that your child is born can be an effective way to overcome postpartum depression. Below are some suggestions that may help you with the process of adjusting to having a child:

  • Develop a deeper bond with your baby: experience skin-to-skin contact, perform a baby massage, smile with your baby, sing to your baby
  • Take care of yourself: Eat a balanced, healthy diet, sleep when the baby sleeps, spend time outdoors, and do things you enjoy.
  • Get physical and start exercising: physical activity helps combat depression of any kind, including postpartum depression.
  • Connect with others with shared experiences
  • Engage with a therapist; challenge the urge to isolate yourself.

Spend Time With Friends and Family

While experiencing feelings of depression, isolation can make these feelings worse. Spend time with those that care about you: friends and family. Bring the baby around, or invite them to your home, and spend quality time together. Watch your favorite shows, eat foods you enjoy, and relish the moment. It’s important to do things you enjoy, even with the new child in your life.

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC & Associates Work With You To Allow You To Overcome Feelings of Postpartum Depression

Although we understand that no one can truly understand your specific experience and that your postpartum experience is unique to you,  If you are looking for someone to talk with regarding your feelings of postpartum depression, we offer in-person or Teletherapy sessions in the Central Texas area.  Contact us today and start overcoming your feelings of postpartum depression with the therapists at Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates.

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