Adjusting To College

Louis Laves-Webb

April 30, 2014

Austin, Texas is of significant interest to those pursuing higher levels of education. Although college can be a time of opportunity and tremendous growth, it also contains unique challenges.

With over ten years of experience as a counselor and clinical supervisor for students at The University of Texas at Austin, we’ve assisted many young adults with the pressures associated with higher educational learning, adjustment to living independently, and interpersonal relationships.

Because college is typically one of the first times that many young adults have the opportunity to branch out on their own, it is not uncommon for stress-related symptoms to surface during this time. These can include: difficulties adjusting to college, difficulties with time management, confusion in deciding on a major or a career path, struggles in relationships or making new friends or getting along with peers.

Additionally, other more significant mental health concerns can begin to manifest; concerns related to anxiety, depression, addiction, suicidal ideation, obsessive/compulsive behavior, or other challenges can present obstacles to an already challenging environment.

Common symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression include:

  • College adjustment issues such as: homesickness, academic problems, and long distance relationships.
  • Interpersonal difficulties, including roommate conflicts, family problems, romantic relationship concerns, problems with assertiveness and panic attacks.
  • Bereavement or grief related to the loss a loved one (such as relationship break ups, deaths, parental divorce, or other major losses).
  • Questions/concerns about identity, self-image, sexuality, gender, or religious concerns.

Schedule An Appointment with Louis Laves-Webb & Associates

  1. Our office is within walking distance from the University of Texas at Austin and Austin Community College.
  2. We have the privilege of conducting individual counseling services based on your specific needs without some of the inherit limitations within a larger system.
  3. Your confidentiality will be assured (consistent with the Laws of Texas).

We have flexible hours that vary to include mornings and evenings. Get in touch if you have questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment. You can also get in touch by calling us at (512) 914-6635.

We're Here To Help You Care For Your Mental Health. Contact Us Today To Book Your Appointment.

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