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Introduction to Election Stress


Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

July 17, 2024

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All About Globophobia: The Fear of Balloons

Anxiety, Self-Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

December 12, 2022

Some people have a fear of spiders, known as arachnophobia. Others have a fear of being without their mobile device, known as nomophobia. One of the rarer phobias is known as globophobia: the fear of balloons.

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All About Ergophobia: The Fear of Working

Anxiety, Self Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

December 12, 2022

Ergophobia can be defined as an irrational, extreme, and sometimes severe fear of work and the surrounding features of work. This fear of work includes work-related tasks, social relationships, or public speaking. Learn more here.

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What Is Ablutophobia? Causes & Treatments

Anxiety, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

November 21, 2022

Ablutophobia is an unexplainable and overwhelming fear of cleaning, washing, or bathing. Like other phobias, ablutophobia is a form of anxiety disorder. Also like other phobias, ablutophobia is centered around a fear of a specific situation.

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All About Nomophobia: The Fear Of Being Without a Cell Phone

Anxiety, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S

November 15, 2022

Nomophobia comes from the phrase “No Mobile Phone Phobia”. It is used to describe a psychological condition in which an individual has a fear of being away from their phone, or away from mobile phone service. Nomophobia is a newer fear among people, as mobile phones have only been as popular as they are today for about 15 years.

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How To Conquer Agoraphobia: The Fear Of Open Spaces


Louis Laves-Webb

September 13, 2022

Do you find that you have an unexplainable fear or anxiety of open or crowded places, leaving your home, or being in a place where finding an escape route may be limited? These are some of the primary symptoms of agoraphobia, a common anxiety disorder affecting more than 200,000 Americans yearly. But what exactly is…

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How To Better Manage Feeling Nervous

Anxiety, Self Improvement

Louis Laves-Webb

February 24, 2022

Feeling nervous is a normal and natural part of the human experience. Whether it’s meeting someone new, a job interview, or a public speaking engagement, feeling nervous can come with the territory. Additionally, some individuals that may be more prone to feelings of anxiety, social nuances, have a history of traumatic experiences or have a…

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All About Anxiety Tics


Louis Laves-Webb

February 9, 2022

Anxiety disorders can range in breadth and scope and can be significantly varied in their presentation. They can include social anxieties, perfectionism, obsessive thoughts coupled with compulsive behaviors, cutting, eating disorders, phobias, and tics. It is common to have a cluster of anxiety symptoms and although we are going to look more deeply at nervous…

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Managing Panic Attacks


Louis Laves-Webb

November 19, 2020

Panic attacks can be a very challenging, frightening, and often full-body experience. Here are a few things to keep in mind when faced with panic attacks.

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Uncommon Phobias: A Guide to Extraordinary Fears

Anxiety, Therapy

Louis Laves-Webb

June 25, 2020

Phobias create fear, anxiety, and instability in our lives. Browse our list of uncommon phobias and how we can help you overcome yours.

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How to Manage Your Anxiety Better


Louis Laves-Webb

December 18, 2018

Anxiety is one of the most pervasive mental illnesses. Yet, it continues to go untreated into adulthood in most cases. The following methods can help you manage your symptoms of anxiety better.

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Adjusting To College

Self Improvement, Anxiety

Louis Laves-Webb

April 30, 2014

Austin, Texas is of significant interest to those pursuing higher levels of education. Although college can be a time of opportunity and tremendous growth, it also contains unique challenges.

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