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Can Depression Cause Memory Loss?

Depression, Uncategorized

Louis Laves-Webb

June 14, 2022

Depression is a mental condition that can have multiple symptoms, including difficulties in motivation, ambition, and challenges with focusing on work, school, or other day-to-day tasks. Chronic depression has also been correlated to short-term memory problems such as confusion and forgetfulness in some individuals. Often, these short-term memory lapses will abate as depression is treated…

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Should We Be Dealing With Loneliness Using Pharmaceutical Treatments?

Depression, Uncategorized

Louis Laves-Webb

October 16, 2019

Loneliness is as common as prevalent mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Why, then, don’t we have any pharmaceutical treatments for it yet? Dealing with loneliness and a possible cure for loneliness is a complicated matter. Find out more...

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