Uncommon Phobias: A Guide to Extraordinary Fears

Louis Laves-Webb

June 25, 2020

Key Takeaways 

  • Phobias can take on a number of different forms, with those suffering fears pertaining to a variety of circumstances from going to work to the color yellow. 
  • Other underlying medical conditions, like anxiety and depression, can result in an individual developing a phobia. Additionally, these medical conditions, and more, can form as a result of a pre-existing phobia. 
  • There are several treatment options for phobias that include various forms of therapy. For phobia counseling and treatment in Austin, TX, choose Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S.

What is a Phobia?

For most of us, fear and anxiety are powerful factors in our lives. Fear has been an important evolutionary tool that has allowed humans to develop precautions against dangerous things and situations. However, when a fear or anxiety becomes a greater threat than the actual person, place, or thing, a normally healthy fear or anxiety can become a debilitating phobia.

Mental health professionals consider phobias to be diagnosable mental disorders. The intense stress that generally accompanies a phobia can stop a person from functioning normally and lead to crippling panic attacks. The United States has approximately 19 million people (over 8% of the total population) that suffer from various phobias, with varying levels of severity.

More Statistics on Phobias:

  • Women are nearly twice as likely to be affected by a phobia as men
  • Symptoms of phobias tend to begin in early to mid childhood; the average age-of-onset is about 7 years old
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are closely tied to anxiety disorders and phobias


Common vs Uncommon Phobias

While most of us are familiar with common phobias like Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), Acrophobia (fear of heights), Aerophobia (fear of flying), Claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), there are a large number of phobias that may seem unusual, but still have a profound effect on people’s lives.

By understanding these phobias, we will be better equipped to help our suffering friends and family members, and also allow us to better understand our own fears and anxieties. By mastering our fears and overcoming anxiety, we can create a healthy balance between caution and comfort.

Survival-Based Fears

Common phobias like Arachnophobia and Ophidiophobia have developed as essential survival mechanisms throughout human evolution. These fear-based precautions have been bred into humans as an instinctual response that allows us to identify and avoid danger. Even many uncommon fears are generally based on practical knowledge.

For example, Aquaphobia may seem strange because our bodies are composed of water, we need water to survive, and we see it almost everywhere. So, how can we be afraid of something so common? The fear of drowning ties into Aquaphobia, a very real threat that has also become part of our instinctual evolution. The fear of water also manifests in Thalassophobia, which is specifically tied to anxiety around deep bodies of water like a deep lake, river, or the ocean.

By examining the root causes and history of fear and phobias, we can better understand how they developed and when they are a useful cautionary device and when they can become a debilitating phobia.

Rare and Uncommon Phobias

Now that we better understand fear, anxiety, phobias, and how they affect everything from human evolution to our everyday lives, let’s explore some of the most intriguing phobias. We have compiled a list of rare and uncommon phobias that may seem peculiar, but are an important aspect of understanding ourselves and mental health:

scary bathtub

Ablutophobia | Fear of bathing

This phobia can sometimes be the result of a traumatic, water-related incident, especially if it involves bathing during juvenile years. This phobia can cause a great deal of social anxiety and friction as it can often result in unpleasant body odors. Many sufferers will grow out of this phobia as they get older. Learn more about the causes and treatments of ablutophobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.


Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth

Though Arachibutyrophobia may sound like a minor issue, this phobia likely stems from a fear of choking or inability to open one’s mouth. While some sufferers may be able to eat small amounts of peanut butter, especially if it is not sticky, like many candy bar fillings, many will not eat peanut butter at all for fear of it sticking to the roof of their mouth.

Agoraphobia | The Fear of Open Spaces

Agoraphobia is an unexplainable fear or anxiety of open, crowded places, which can eventually turn into a fear of leaving your home altogether. Agoraphobia is a form of anxiety disorder that affects over 200,000 Americans each year. In most cases, agoraphobia can stem from cultural or event-related occurrences. Things like the COVID-19 pandemic, 9/11, and mass shootings are frequently referenced as the main reason that people experience agoraphobia. Learn more about the causes and treatments of agoraphobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.


Arithmophobia | Fear of math

While many of us did not enjoy math class, Arithmophobia takes this anxiety to the next level. This phobia isn’t as much a fear of seeing numbers or symbols, as it is a fear of being forced into a situation where one has to do math, especially when that person’s math skills are subpar. Learn more about the causes and treatments of arithmophobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.

Chionophobia — Fear of Snow

Chionophobia, the fear of snow, may seem unusual to some, especially those who find joy in winter activities. However, individuals with this phobia often associate snow with danger, such as accidents or getting trapped, possibly due to past traumatic experiences. While some might manage to be around small quantities of snow, others might avoid cold climates altogether to prevent exposure to snow.

spooky hand

Chirophobia | Fear of hands

This phobia can be a fear of one’s own hands or another’s hand. It is often the result of a traumatic event like a severe hand injury or a persistent condition like arthritis.

newspaper bundle

Chloephobia | Fear of newspapers

This phobia is often connected to the touch, sound, and smell of a newspaper. Sufferers may become anxious at the sound of a rustling newspaper of the smell of newspaper ink and paper.

scary mirror

Eisoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors

Sometimes referred to as spectrophobia or catoptrophobia, sufferers are often unable to look at themselves in a mirror. In more severe cases, this anxiety can also extend to reflective surfaces like glass or standing water.

One genesis of this phobia revolves around the superstitions tied to mirrors. The fear of seeing something supernatural or breaking a mirror and being cursed with bad luck can cause someone to develop Eisoptrophobia. In other cases, this phobia can stem from low self-esteem and an aversion to seeing oneself.

Ergophobia | The Fear of Going to Work 

Ergophobia is an irrational and sometimes extreme fear of work and the surrounding features of work, like work-related tasks, social relationships, and public experiences. In most cases, ergophobia stems from a negative or traumatic work experience, like an embarrassing moment or abusive situation in the workplace, like being called out by a boss, or being sexually harassed. For some individuals, just hearing about a negative work situation from a friend or family member can result in ergophobia. Learn more about the causes and treatments of ergophobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.

scary clown statue

Globophobia | Fear of balloons

This phobia often originates from a traumatic event, especially at a young age when a popping balloon caused a jump scare and is also often linked to a fear of clowns (coulrophobia). Sufferers of this phobia can have varying levels of anxiety with some casually avoiding balloons, while more severe cases would prohibit being around places that simply may have balloons. Learn more about the causes and treatments of globophobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.

Heliophobia — Fear of Sunlight

While the sun is essential for life, those with Heliophobia have an intense fear of sunlight. This phobia can be linked to fears of sunburn, skin cancer, or damaging one's eyesight. Some sufferers may be able to tolerate indirect sunlight or sunrise and sunset, while others might go to great lengths to avoid any form of sunlight, often leading to a significant impact on their daily routines.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia — Fear of Long Words

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is an extreme fear of long words, and in a twist of irony, the term itself is one of the longest words in the English language. This fear often stems from the intimidation or embarrassment a person might feel when confronted with long, complex words they may have difficulty pronouncing or understanding. This fear can particularly affect a person's educational or professional life, where exposure to complicated terminology may be unavoidable.

Hylophobia — Fear of Forests

Hylophobia, or the fear of forests, often originates from a fear of the unknown or feeling overwhelmed by the dense trees and the potential for getting lost. Some individuals might be able to visit small, well-maintained parks, but many avoid forested areas completely. This phobia can significantly limit outdoor recreational activities and travel to certain locations.

Lachanophobia — Fear of Vegetables

While it might sound like a child's excuse to skip the greens, Lachanophobia is a real and sometimes debilitating fear of vegetables. This phobia could stem from negative experiences in childhood or a fear of the textures or tastes associated with vegetables. Some individuals might be able to consume vegetables when masked in dishes, while others avoid them entirely, which could lead to nutritional challenges.

fear of belly buttons

Omphalophobia | Fear of Umbilicus (Bello Buttons)

Omphalophobia sufferers will often avoid areas like the beach, where exposed belly buttons are common. In more severe cases, they may even cover up their own belly button with tape or a bandaid. This phobia may be related to Trypophobia (fear of holes) or could be the result of a previous infection in the Umbilicus.

Optophobia — Fear of Opening One's Eyes

Optophobia is the fear of opening one's eyes. This phobia can stem from a variety of sources, such as traumatic past experiences, fear of the unknown, or heightened sensitivity to light. People with Optophobia may be able to manage their fear in familiar or controlled environments, like their homes, where they can predict what they'll see when they open their eyes. However, they can experience significant anxiety or panic when faced with new or unpredictable situations, where they don't know what visual stimuli they may encounter upon opening their eyes. This fear can greatly impact a person's daily life, affecting their ability to perform routine tasks, interact with others, and navigate their surroundings.

scary doll with no eyes

Optophobia | Fear of opening your eyes

This phobia is generally the result of a traumatic event, especially during childhood. This phobia can be extremely debilitating, as sufferers will often avoid leaving their homes and seek out dark or dimly lit areas.

broken phone

Nomophobia | Fear of not having your cell phone

This is an anxiety that many of us feel to varying extents, however, it becomes a phobia when the anxiety turns into a consistent panic or fear, especially when perseverating on the mere idea of being without a mobile phone. This phobia also extends to having a phone with a dead battery or being out of service, thereby making the phone unusable. Nomophobia is often connected with an addiction to our phones and the need to be constantly connected. Learn more about the causes and treatments of nomophobia in this post from the Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S blog.

Plutophobia | Fear of wealth

This phobia deals less with the fear of physical currency and more with the anxiety around wealth or being wealthy. Sufferers dread the responsibility and weight that accompanies wealth. They fear that they will be targeted for their wealth and subsequently put into danger. They may sabotage their career or money-making opportunities.

scary beard guy

Pogonophobia | Fear of facial hair

This fear is often the result of a traumatic experience with someone who has significant facial hair or a beard. Beards also partially hide someone’s face, creating an additional layer of anxiety for those that struggle in social situations, or reading social cues. In more severe cases, a sufferer of pogonophobia may not even be able to look at a picture of someone with a beard.

Rhytiphobia — Fear of Getting Wrinkles

Rhytiphobia is an intense fear of getting wrinkles. It's often associated with a fear of aging or a loss of attractiveness and youth. This fear can lead individuals to go to great lengths to maintain their appearance, often investing in a myriad of skin care products and procedures. While some might manage their fears and accept the natural aging process, others may develop obsessive behaviors related to their appearance.

Teratophobia — Fear of Disfigured Individuals

Teratophobia, or the fear of disfigured individuals, can stem from a fear of the unfamiliar or the fear of becoming disfigured oneself. This fear can result in the avoidance of individuals with physical differences or those who have experienced accidents or illnesses that have altered 

their appearance. 

Thalassophobia — Fear of the Ocean

Thalassophobia is the deep-seated fear of the ocean or large bodies of water. This phobia often stems from the vastness of the sea, the feeling of insignificance it inspires, or a fear of the unknown creatures that reside beneath its surface. People with Thalassophobia may tolerate smaller, controlled bodies of water, like swimming pools or ponds, but can experience intense anxiety when faced with large expanses of water, such as the sea or ocean. This fear can limit a person's enjoyment of activities such as swimming, boating, or even traveling to coastal areas. The unpredictability and overwhelming nature of the sea can trigger feelings of dread and panic in those suffering from Thalassophobia.

Trypophobia — Fear of Holes

Trypophobia, characterized by an intense fear of holes, particularly those that are clustered together, may seem peculiar to those who don't experience it. This phobia is often triggered by patterns found in nature, like honeycombs or lotus seed pods, or even everyday objects like aerated chocolate or a sponge. Researchers believe this fear may have evolutionary origins. The patterns that trigger trypophobia often resemble those found in dangerous animals or are associated with disease or decay, suggesting that this fear may be an instinctual response to avoid potential danger.

old cheese

Turophobia | Fear of cheese

A fear of cheese can often be traced back to an incident with cheese, especially in early childhood. Being forced to eat cheese, especially when lactose intolerant can create an aversion of anxiety towards cheese. More severe cases can result in a fear of seeing cheese.

Wiccaphobia — Fear of Witches & Witchcraft

Wiccaphobia is the fear of witches and witchcraft. This phobia often originates from cultural or religious beliefs, horror films, or historical events such as the Salem Witch Trials. Those with Wiccaphobia might be able to tolerate fictional depictions of witches, like in children's stories, but can become extremely anxious when exposed to real-world references to witchcraft, such as Wiccan practices or Halloween decorations.

Xanthophobia | Fear of the color yellow

This is a difficult phobia to deal with, as some things in nature and many man-made things are yellow. Sufferers may fear something seemingly benign like a flower, school bus, or wheel of cheese. This phobia could originate from survival-based evolution, as animals that are brightly colored, like frogs or snakes, are sometimes poisonous or venomous.

Get Help with Your Phobias and Anxieties

Though some of these phobias may seem harmless, even the most obscure ones can have a serious, adverse effect on someone’s life. At Louis Laves-Webb we take all phobias seriously and will work with you to find the root cause of your phobia. Our expert team of licensed therapists will help you learn coping strategies and move forward on the path to peace and mental health. Please submit a contact form or call our offices to get started on the journey to overcome your fears and phobias.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the rarest phobia? 

While it's challenging to determine the single rarest phobia given the countless and highly individualized fears people can develop, some phobias are certainly less common. One example could be "Optophobia," the fear of opening one's eyes. This fear is incredibly rare and can have a serious impact on an individual's daily life.

What is the most common phobia? 

The most common phobia is generally considered to be "Arachnophobia," the fear of spiders. It's estimated that up to a third of women and a quarter of men in the United States have this fear to some degree. This could be due to an evolutionary response, as many spiders are poisonous, and thus it would have been advantageous for our ancestors to avoid them.

What is the fear of mirrors called? 

The fear of mirrors is known as "Eisoptrophobia." Individuals with this fear can experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks when seeing or thinking about mirrors. This phobia can stem from superstitious beliefs, traumatic experiences related to mirrors, or a fear of self-reflection or introspection.

What is the fear of the ocean called? 

The fear of the ocean is referred to as "Thalassophobia." This fear can include the fear of deep bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, sea waves, sea creatures, and fear of distance from land. Individuals with this phobia often feel a sense of dread or panic when thinking about or being near the ocean.

What is the fear of long words called? 

Ironically, the fear of long words is known as "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia." This term itself is long and complex, which can be challenging for those dealing with fear. Individuals with this phobia feel anxiety when faced with long words, and it can impact their ability to function in environments where long words are common, such as in academic settings.

What is it called when you are scared of holes? 

The fear of holes, particularly when they are clustered together in irregular patterns, is known as "Trypophobia." This phobia can be triggered by patterns found in nature, like honeycombs, or objects with small holes grouped together, like a sponge or aerated chocolate. Individuals with this phobia can experience symptoms like nausea, goosebumps, or panic attacks when exposed to these patterns.

What is the fear of big crowds called? 

The fear of big crowds is known as "Agoraphobia." This condition is often characterized by intense fear and anxiety triggered by places or situations where escape might be difficult, or help might not be available should panic symptoms arise. These situations often involve crowds or waiting in lines, and as such, large gatherings of people can be particularly distressing for individuals with Agoraphobia. 

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        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "While it's challenging to determine the single rarest phobia given the countless and highly individualized fears people can develop, some phobias are certainly less common. One example could be 'Optophobia,' the fear of opening one's eyes. This fear is incredibly rare and can have a serious impact on an individual's daily life."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is the most common phobia?",

      "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "The most common phobia is generally considered to be 'Arachnophobia,' the fear of spiders. It's estimated that up to a third of women and a quarter of men in the United States have this fear to some degree. This could be due to an evolutionary response, as many spiders are poisonous, and thus it would have been advantageous for our ancestors to avoid them."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is the fear of mirrors called?",

      "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "The fear of mirrors is known as 'Eisoptrophobia.' Individuals with this fear can experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks when seeing or thinking about mirrors. This phobia can stem from superstitious beliefs, traumatic experiences related to mirrors, or a fear of self-reflection or introspection."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is the fear of the ocean called?",

      "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "The fear of the ocean is referred to as 'Thalassophobia.' This fear can include the fear of deep bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, sea waves, sea creatures, and fear of distance from land. Individuals with this phobia often feel a sense of dread or panic when thinking about or being near the ocean."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is the fear of long words called?",

      "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "Ironically, the fear of long words is known as 'Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.' This term itself is long and complex, which can be challenging for those dealing with fear. Individuals with this phobia feel anxiety when faced with long words, and it can impact their ability to function in environments where long words are common, such as in academic settings."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is it called when you are scared of holes?",

      "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "The fear of holes, particularly when they are clustered together in irregular patterns, is known as 'Trypophobia.' This phobia can be triggered by patterns found in nature, like honeycombs, or objects with small holes grouped together, like a sponge or aerated chocolate. Individuals with this phobia can experience symptoms like nausea, goosebumps, or panic attacks when exposed to these patterns."




      "@type": "Question",

      "name": "What is the fear of big crowds called?",

            "acceptedAnswer": {

        "@type": "Answer",

        "text": "The fear of big crowds is known as 'Agoraphobia.' This condition is often characterized by intense fear and anxiety triggered by places or situations where escape might be difficult, or help might not be available should panic symptoms arise. These situations often involve crowds or waiting in lines, and as such, large gatherings of people can be particularly distressing for individuals with Agoraphobia."






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